Localization, Monitoring, and Security
The DOTMobile suite provides a precise and constant overview of vehicles, equipment, locations, and personnel.
The Customizable Cartography and convenient Dashboards
allow for complete supervision of all onboard signals, events, and movements across the territory.
The DOTMobile security system is based on alarms and notifications intended for business managers, related to the working conditions
of assets or specific events, and allows
for immediate intervention through remote operation blocking.
Real-time Localization and Monitoring
This function allows for live supervision of positions, movements, events, and detections on maps or via dashboards, designed to display values and state changes detected by the fleet.
Tracking and Historical Routes on Cartography
The special DOTMobile tracking algorithm is based not only on the vehicle's location but on three fundamental parameters: time, distance, and turning radius. This allows for precise analysis of routes and tasks, observing on cartography well-defined directions of travel and curves.
Geofencing and Zone Customization
The Pin&Drag function allows drawing an unlimited number of areas of any shape and size, also identifying various reference or entry points (P.O.R.). Each area can be associated with a color to make it immediately recognizable. For each area, it is possible to enter a reference record with Contact, Customer, or Manager data. The zone events function enables notification of entries, exits, and exceeding values to fleet managers.
Spreading, Spraying, and Sweeping
The three-parameter tracking algorithm allows for detailed detection of all the passes performed on the work area. It is possible to display on the map the precise lines and segments of the vehicle's route, differentiating them by color, depending on whether the onboard device is activated or not.
POI (Point Of Interest)
A feature that allows for the census and georeferencing on the map of infinite points of interest such as customer and supplier locations, affiliated points, and partners, or addresses of rental users for additional services.
Remote Monitoring and I/O Control
A special dashboard allows for real-time monitoring of all data and values transmitted by the vehicle, with the possibility of remotely operating onboard devices, proactively interacting with the vehicle.
Automatic 24/7 Alarm Center
Through the control console, it's possible to program the sending of alarms and notices related to events, values, and conditions, targeting an unlimited number of people, via SMS, email, or voice call, as well as automate the activation of onboard devices, such as flashers, sirens, lights, or other accessories, upon the occurrence of a specific event.
Alarm Customization
The sending of alarms and notices can be conditioned on the asset's presence in certain areas , on specific days of the week, time slots, or many other parameters.
Follow Me
The Follow-Me function allows tracking an individual vehicle on the map , updating all its movements on the cartography in real time.
Immobilizer with Remote Lock
Through the app or web portal provided by DOTMobile, it is possible to immobilize the vehicle, immediately preventing its start and having total control over its future unlocking.
With the onboard installation of the RFID accessory, it's possible to equip drivers and operators with a special iButton that enables the vehicle's startup , recording its use. From the web portal, the fleet manager can manage the activation of the iButtons, associating them with jobs and orders.
Dynamic Ties Control
The Ties Management is a feature that links vehicles and equipment through a parent-child relationship, to monitor their separation beyond a user-defined limit.
Localization, Monitoring, and Security
Interconnected services for maximum control over corporate fleets
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48121 Ravenna RA
T. +39 0544455990
P.IVA 02522900394
4770 Biscayne Blvd
STE 960
MIAMI, FL 33137